WELCOME to my blog - glad you could visit!

Hi. I'm Pia. And here is where I post stuff.
(with spelling errors - sorry).
Hope you enjoy your stay!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Free Falling

Well, all year I have been threatening to do it. At times I have been begging to do it. Others have been pleading with me to do it. And now it's done.

As of Tuesday, 19th December I will be gainfully unemployed.

Thank you to all of you who supported me through this long decision making process. Thank you to all of you who have unreserved faith in me.

I really appreciate everyone who has encouraged me along the way. Your belief in me means more than I can say.

I am doing this for myself (and for what I believe I can be), but I am also doing this for my son...

It's not only children who grow.
Parents do, too.
As much as we watch to see what our children do with their lives,
they are watching us to see what we do with ours.
I can't tell my children to reach for the sun.
All I can do is reach for it, myself.
—Joyce Maynard

And now the hard work begins...


Anonymous said...

Well done Pia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Words can't express how excited I am for you.
A new chapter in your life's book has opened.
Go forth and enjoy the freedom that comes from being your own boss.It's not always easy,but it is always better than having someone pushing your buttons.
Enjoy the rollercoaster ride and most of all have faith in yourself and your abilities.
Be solution oriented and the world will be your oyster.
Chat soon

purpleronnie said...

i think you are so brave and i am so proud of you. this is the first step to becoming you!

Wendy said...

Well done you
Its so exciting ,so much ahead of you and your quote was so spot on, food for thought indeed.

Keep us updated

Sue said...

Well done on a huge decision - maybe now you can follow your photography dreams. Good luck for all that the future holds for you!!


Sue said...

Well done on a huge decision - maybe now you can follow your photography dreams. Good luck for all that the future holds for you!!


Anonymous said...

Well I heard about this a little late but well done. A big decision but one which I am sure you will never regret. Keep at it. The harder you work the luckier you become and this time it will all be for you.

The Fan-Damily

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