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Hi. I'm Pia. And here is where I post stuff.
(with spelling errors - sorry).
Hope you enjoy your stay!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Planes, Trucks and Photoshop.

Hello. I'm back. May I just say, right at the outset, I love photoshop. I spent a glorious afternoon playing with my new favourite thing. I wasn't hungry. I wasn't thirsty. I didn't look left, I didn't look right. All I felt was a wonderful quiet "aaaahhhhh" whispering in my heart saying this feels right.

This morning we (myself, granny and pop) took Adam to the airport - because the child LOVES planes. He hears them coming with a super sonic hearing he did not inherit from me. He can spot them in the sky when they are millimetres small. In the car, when I have the radio turned up and you can't hear the cars outside, he will hear or see the distant speck in the sky and shriek with delight while pointing madly at the sky. Many times I have said to him that there is nothing there when, seconds later, there is.

So, off to the airport we went. Or, shall I say, the biggest construction zone in the Western Cape. If I had known what a shambles the place was, I would not have set foot anywhere near it. Mommy's worst nightmare. Adam's delight. We all sat and ate Spur food while Pop and Adam admired the planes. Coming and going. Going and coming. We saw big ones and little ones. Orange ones and green ones. And then we went to the parking garage where Adam was thrilled to watch a dump truck scooping up sand and dumping it out again. and again. and again. and again... What we do for our children...

Then granny and pop babysat (generally consisting of more plane-spotting at home and stomping on snails inbetween planes) while I played "photoshop". I coloured in my little picture from yesterday... Not the greatest artwork ever produced - but it made me happy!!!

Then I spent the rest of the afternoon in trial and error. I was determined to create something useful. I try to make sure that everyday brings me a step closer to where I want to be. Whether it is research into a possible field, reading a book that adds to my knowledge or whatever makes me feel like I am moving forward. I have been feeling a bit stagnant this week. Mainly waiting for photoshop to arrive from the States and waiting for book shops to get back to me about books I want to buy. So I was feeling a little like I was going nowhere. And getting a bit depressed about it. This morning I looked at a quote on my wall for inspiration:

Be easy about this. Be playful about it. Don't work so hard at it.

Let your dominant intent to be to feel good, and if you don't feel good, then let your dominant intent be to feel relief.

Feel your way through it. If you think your way through it, you can get off on all kinds of tangents.

If you feel your way through it, you can come quickly to your Core Energy, and when you do that only good can then flow to you.
(Unfortunately I can't remember where I got this quote, so I don't know who to credit for writing the words.)

These words were tacked up on my board for a reason. They remind me to relax and go with the flow. I tend to "work" to hard at things. Checking and thinking and analysing and questioning. I want things to be prefect so I over think everything. Sometimes I need to be remined to just feel. Without procrastinating, without putting off things that need to be done (because I can do that very well), I need to remember that this process should feel good. That doesn't mean that it will be easy or that I won't have to work hard - but to move forward, I have to feel. Not think.

At the end of the day, I spend a wonderful afternoon creating. And it felt good. It felt right
. And I am so happy with my new blog heading that, even if everyone on the planet told me it was terrible. I would still be happy. Not because it is perfect or well planned. Because it's not. But because it made me happy to create it.

For those who are curious - the original photo (in red, with drool...) is below this post at the end of one of my old posts.


Sue said...

Great work Pia!! So happy to hear that you're going places and learning new things. The photo of your tot at the top of your blog is gorgeous - you have every reason to be very proud of what you've created!!

Good luck!

Love (more then a little jealous)
Susan xxx

Anonymous said...

That is the secret of design - to enjoy the process! Have fun, play and let those creative juices flow xxx

Wendy said...

This post fills me with joy because I can "hear" the excitement. your photo at the top is absolutely brilliant. I love it.
your creativity will just grow and grow now that you are nurturing it.

Lily loves planes too so they will get on a treat standing in the back garden spotting planes that are pin pricks in the sky.

The Fan-Damily

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